What My Mechanic Taught Me About Hair Loss

November 29, 2017

What My Mechanic Taught Me About Hair Loss

NOTE: This is a guest blog written by one of our happy customer: William D.

At the beginning of my senior year of college, I was the proud owner of an Infiniti I30.

Granted, it was a hand-me down from my dad who was ready to sell it for parts because of a few mechanical issues it had. He said I could have it if I fixed the problems.
I didn’t care though. For me, it was an upgrade! 
It was also a pleasure to drive...until it wasn’t.
After 18 months, those mechanical issues come back with a vengeance.
The engine made funny noises starting up, it had the oil leak from hell, and the dash gauges would randomly turn off or spin like it was possessed.
Telling the mechanic my story, he diddled on his computer and proceeded reading down a laundry list of potential problems.
“Why so many possible problems? Can’t it be just one thing?”
The mechanic laughed, “Sometimes it’s one thing. Sometimes, that one thing is a small part of a big thing. Usually, there’s a lot of other things going on.”
So what does my car’s malfunction have to do with hair?
Two things:

  1. There’s usually more than just one contributing factor.
  2. Some parts of hair loss have more influence than other parts.
Just like the car, a lot of things we do to our hair add to its loss. From wearing hats all day long to drying your hair with the amount of elbow grease you’d use to get stains out of a carpet.
Fortunately, these habits can be kicked. You CAN choose to take your hat off every now and then (God forbid you sleep with it) and instead of hammering your head with a towel, blow dry it with light heat or opt for air drying (if I can think of any kind of “plus” when it comes to thinning hair, it’d be a head that dries faster).
So what about the things you can’t control, like DHT?
That was my situation.
I knew better than to wear a hat, I always let my hair air dry, and  I even made sure to watch what I ate, via estrogenic foods, so I wouldn’t stress myself out even more.
Unfortunately, the hair kept coming out.
I contemplated prescription drugs, but after reading the horror stories associated with the side effects of taking that, I decided against it. 
It was shortly after I heard about PRIMAL HAIR.
I honestly didn’t have much hope for PRIMAL HAIR when I heard about it. I knew about these “hair supplements” before, and when I’d check how they worked, it didn’t match up with the science.
PRIMAL HAIR was different though.
Everything I had been reading about hormones, DHT, and stress from the medical literature was stated right there on the website. They had nothing to hide and they spoke, in medical terms, the same language as the doctors who dealt with hair loss. PRIMAL HAIR even ran their own clinical trial instead of quoting some other trial. Impressive!
Reading this, I told myself I’d give it a try.
So far, I’ve not been disappointed.
Within the first 2 months, I’ve gotten random compliments about how my hair was starting to darken. This was an unexpected benefit (which there are many) that I wasn’t focused on while taking the supplement.
Now going on my 4th month, I’m starting to see baby hairs growing along the sides of my head where my hair initially began receding.
So far things are looking up, I’m feeling really good about my hair and thankfully, I’ve not had any of the awful side effects associated with the pharmaceuticals for hair loss.
Thanks PRIMAL HAIR! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me!

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