Natural Hair Care with Moisturizer

May 31, 2018

Natural Hair Care with Moisturizer

Having and keeping your natural hair is becoming popular, and almost everyone is joining the trend. While going natural is a great idea most people fail at it because they do not know the simple moisturizing tips for a natural hair.

Here are some simple hair care tips for moisturizing your natural hair:

Moisturize Regularly

Always moisturize your hair the same way you moisturize your skin. You want to do this daily but be careful not to add too many unnatural hair products. Keep in mind that during cold months your hair tends to get drier, so you need to apply a little more moisturizer than you usually do to prevent it from breaking.

One way to moisturize your hair is by conditioning. Conditioning is the best thing you can do for your natural hair because it gives it life. From deep conditioning in the shower to the use of leave-in conditioning during styling, there is no such thing as too much conditioning because your hair needs all the moisture it can get.

You also want to protect the moisture in your hair. If your hair moisture is not well preserved or covered, it would not matter if the hair is regularly moisturized. You will always want to try covering or wrapping your hair in some way. For example, a silk scarf is a great way to keep your hair moisture locked in and hydrated.

Post Extension Treatments

Gone are the days when you could take off your extensions, and leave it as is. Those extensions can have some harsh chemicals and can quickly dry the moisture from your hair. So make sure you use a deep conditioner and thoroughly moisturize your hair after removing them, to keep your natural hair vibrant and healthy.

Wash With Warm or Cold Water

Using cold or warm water would still clean the hair and make the conditioning elements last longer, but you have to make that sacrifice for your hair and stick with the cold because using hot water on your hair can dry out the moisture.

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