Hair loss is a condition that has plagued many individuals in their lifetime. While some cases are hereditary or due to aging, others are caused by certain condition like alopecia. Alopecia, an autoimmune disease causes antibodies to attack hair follicles. This condition, as well as, rays from chemotherapy can render an individual hair loss. However, they differ, as alopecia affects a specific spot, as opposed to hair loss caused by chemotherapy. Most people recommend remedies that vary; drugs, herbs, oils, ointments, and even just letting nature take its course.
What Is Astragalus
One of the most suggested herbs among so many others is the Astragalus. The Astragalus is a potent Chinese herb popularly called the yellow emperor. It is an important herb known to have many benefits on several parts the human body system. It can be taken for kidney failure, diabetes, allergies, and several other ailments. It is also prescribed for the treatment of hair loss, regardless of the cause.
This root has been taken for years and is usually taken as tea. It is one of the most important Chinese Roots, among others like Ginseng.
How To Take Astragalus Root
The Astragalus root is consumed either orally or by injections. It is, however, advisable to see a doctor before opting for this solution. This will help ascertain if you have the condition or ailment you wish to treat.
The Astragalus root is available in the following forms:
A standardized extract would require a dosage of 250 mg - 500 mg, three to four times a day. However, if you prefer boiling and taking it as tea, then you should try three to six grams of it.
Although these are available, it is relevant to be knowledgeable about why the Astragalus root is beneficial against hair loss.
The following are 5 ways that Astragalus helps hair loss:
Boosts The Immune System
For every disease or conditions that might flourish in the human body, the immune system tries its best to fight it. The immune system is the only defense mechanism, we as humans, have against pathogens and germs. The Astragalus herb, studied and used for years, has been found to play an important role in the immune system. The asparagus herb enhances T-helper cells in the immune system. The T-helper 1 & 2 cells are vital for fighting against antigens that might try to harm hair follicles, and other parts of the body.
Aids Detoxification
Most people believe detoxification is only important for mostly the inner body systems. However, this is totally wrong. Every part of the body is exposed to certain types of pollutants and needs to be detoxified. The skin, especially the scalp has huge pores where pollutants get stuck. This can lead to contamination, due to pollutants like pollens, dust, soot, and gases. A routine regimen of deep cleansing prevents cases of infections and hair loss.
The Astragalus herb is an amazing, natural product for detoxifying the scalp. It also, helps in deep cleansing and removal of pollutants.
Provides Adequate Nutrients
Like every part of the body, the hair requires nutrients to look and feel great. Apart from ridding your hair of pollutants, it requires certain nutrients to keep its luster. The Astragalus plant is deeply rich in polysaccharides. This nutrient is great for growing thick and healthy hair, as it is a main component in many hair care products. This is also, the reason fish is a recommended food for growing great hair.
Most people make use of Shea butter, paw paw, and a polysaccharide mixture for hair growth. However, the Astragalus herb has this in abundance and can be used alone.
Promotes Longevity
One of the major uses of the Astragalus herb is for longevity. The herb is famous for improving the conditions of every part of a human body. Astragaloside IV is an important component of the Astragalus root, which helps in reversing damage that might have been done in a cell. This goes for every part of the body, including the scalp. The Astragalus root is known to reverse damages in the scalp that might have resulted in hair loss.
It is also, reported to possess an anti-inflammatory property, which is great for healing a wound in any part of the body.
Adaptogenic Properties
The Astragalus root is, also, known to have adaptogenic properties, which helps in replenishing the body system. This unique property, usually applies to adrenal fatigue, which manifests as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This is, however, great, because hair loss due to low cortisol levels can be linked to adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue has been linked to the depletion of two hormones that contribute to hair growth; dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) And testosterone.
These hormones are needed for a healthy head of hair, without which, you might experience hair loss. Fortunately, the Astragalus root helps reverse this case and helps with hair growth. These benefits by the Astragalus root is the reason, opting for a product line like the Primal Hair supplement is essential.
The PRIMAL HAIR supplement is rich in several nutrients that caters to the growth of fuller, healthy hair. This supplement contains essential oils and other components like the Astragalus root, great for the moisturization, detoxification, and replenishment of your hair and scalp.
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